
Showing posts from July, 2023

All's well that ends well

The end of the schoolyear comes with many challenges: mountains to climb and oceans to cross. It is also however, the moment we say goodbye to the students that have managed to pass their exams and graduate highschool. At our school, the actual graduation ceremony is a marathon more than a sprint. We have three nights, one night for each of our units, and each night brings its own unique moments.  Tonight, I attended the graduation ceremony of our vocational education unit. I taught two of those classes in their first two years of school and although they probably don't remember me at this point, I definitely remember them. Ofcourse, whether you teach them for all of their high school career, or just one measly year, there's simply something special about watching students receive their diplomas. So, if I know the kids I always try to attend the ceremonies, to bask in the euphoria of their succes.  And euphoria really is the right word for it, not only theirs, or their parents&